0% of error, 100% of efficiency: how can a multi-operator sorting process be optimised in real time?

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A multi-operator sorting process is distinguished by its complexity: several players are required to handle large flows of parcels simultaneously in the same preparation area. This implies strict organisation of tasks, perfect synchronisation of actions, and maximum limitation of human error. In this environment, where every second counts, an error can result in delays and additional costs.

Traditionally, sorting has been based on manual systems based on gestures of forced and repetitive validation. This approach leaves plenty of room for error, particularly in high-speed environments. Faced with this reality, how can the process be made more reliable while improving ergonomics and operational performance? This is where the technological contribution becomes relevant.

Shortcuts :

Deployment of connected sorting using Beacons with intelligent light guidance (credit: FM Logistic)

In environments where several operators simultaneously manage large volumes of parcels, the complexity of the flows increases significantly, giving rise to a number of challenges. new challenges :

Risk of reversal : filing errors lead to costly disputes and loss of profitability

Lack of synchronisation of tasks between operators: the lack of coordination makes it difficult to meet deadlines and generates errors, creating tensions in the logistics flow

Difficulties in guaranteeing the speed of processes : managing a large volume of parcels puts pressure on operators, threatening the overall rate and increasing the risk of overwork, which impacts the stability of the supply chain

These challenges show just how crucial mastering a multi-operator sorting process is for optimise your supply chain and provide a quality service.

To cover all of the above issues, the two complementary technologies stands out as the solution :

Beacons managed by Epyo software : real-time location coding and automatic validation of the deposit

Smart LEDs : intuitive visual guidance for operators

Combined, these technological contributions redefine the way sorting processes are managedby integrating seamlessly with warehouse management systems (WMS).

Multi-operator sorting process

To optimise the ergonomics of sorting stations, light guidance works perfectly with Beacons. The intelligent LEDs offer a clear, instant signalling operators on the actions to be taken. For example, when a parcel is scanned at the exit of a conveyor (using a hands-free scanner), the LED associated with the operator lights up to indicate the destination of the parcel, which is then validated "scanless" using the location beacon. This visual system is much quicker to interpret than instructions displayed on a terminal, which drastically reduces processing time and improves efficiency global.

Eliminating sorting errors Thanks to Beacon technology, the rate of sorting errors has been reduced. reduced to zero. The precision of the connected gestures prevents any reversal of parcels, a major problem in high-speed logistics environments.

Optimising operational performance the time required to process each parcel is reduced by average of 6 seconds. In a production line where thousands of parcels are processed every day, this gain translates into an increase in overall productivity.

Improved ergonomics By freeing up operators' hands and simplifying the operational process, the solution improves ergonomics and reduces physical fatigue. This not only makes it possible to improve the well-being of operatorsof reduce RSIbut also maintain a high level of performance constant for the warehouse

Adaptability and flexibility technology is easily adaptable to different environments and logistics processes. Whether for small sorting centres or large multi-operator platforms, the solution is easy to integrate and improves performance as soon as it is deployed.

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