Dispute management

Integrate image into the flow to reduce disputes in the warehouse

The contribution of images to a flow, made possible by video tracking, enables precise monitoring of the operations at the root of disputes.

Dockside monitoring

Video tracking at quayside provides a practical solution to disputes and errors made at quayside

Conveyor tracking

Video tracking on conveyors provides a practical solution to courier disputes

Packaging follow-up

Video tracking in packaging provides a practical solution for checking the contents of parcels sent out

On-board tracking on trucks

On-board video tracking provides a practical solution for checking loaded quantities and references

Access control

The video solution manages entry/exit, with automated vehicle identification

Talk to an expert

Deploy a reliable technological environment

E-DENTIC deploys its innovative technologies in warehouses of all sizes.
The combination of these technologies results in the creation of unique products at the cutting edge of innovation.

Adding images to the flow for precise monitoring of operations to resolve disputes

Real-time validation of gestures to increase operational efficiency

Expertise in deploying technologies specifically adapted to our customers' environments


Video demonstration

Video demonstration

After-sales service

Send your after-sales service requests by e-mail to the address below:

On-board media request

Request for mobile desks

Label rolls

Request storage cupboard

Request for protection boxes

Video demonstration

Video demonstration

On-board video tracking, visualisation of flows on forklift trucks and resolution of picking disputes by E-DENTIC

Callback request

Video demonstration

Video demonstration

Video demonstration

Video demonstration

Video demonstration

Multi-stage form

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Deployment request

On-board media request

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